lives & works in Kassel &Cologne, Germany
Artist Statement
I work with diverse media such as drawing, photography, video and performance in order to create site- and context-specific installations. My interest focuses on references and allusions, changes of meaning and connotations that result from the combination of different materials, colours and forms. In my works, lexical terms and images from encyclopaedias are juxtaposed with found and purpose-made objects. Performing with props for the camera, I investigate subject-object-relations and image-finding processes in a variety of media. These experiments usually lay the ground for further installations.
The arrangement of objects in space is insofar central to my practice as it is accompanied by a reflection of the act of showing and looking, (re-)presentation and contemplation. I thereby provoke questions relating to the construction, aesthetic production and experience of knowledge, relations and interdependencies. Responding to the spatial situation and the subject area of the installation, I experiment with different modes of fixing and mounting the objects, trying to work out how the display impacts their appearance and meaning. The disclosure of the artistic research process, the seemingly casual presentation, and the carefully scattered references fundamentally shape and eventually generate the artwork on display.
since 2019 Künstlerische Mitarbeiterin/ Artistic Associate, Klasse Kunst im zeitgenössischen Kontext, Art Academy Kassel
2008 Art Mediation, Manifesta 7 in Trentino-South Tyrol, Italy
2014 Master of Arts with Florian Slotawa, Art Academy Kassel
2009 - 2013 Visual Arts with Dorothee von Windheim, Florian Slotawa, Christian Philipp Müller, Art Academy Kassel
2004 - 2011 First Degree Examination with majors in Art and Italian, University Kassel
Scholarships / Awards / Residencies
2025 grant holder of HAP, studio program financed by HMWK and basis e.V
2023/24 Mentee of Kunstmentorat NRW
2023 grant holder of HAP, studio program financed by HMWK and basis e.V
2022 Project Grant - Neustart, Stiftung Kunstfonds
2021 Project Grant - Brückenstipendium, Hessische Kulturstiftung
2021 grant holder of HAP, studio program financed by HMWK and basis e.V
2020/21 Project Grant - Projektstipendium Hessische Kulturstiftung
2020 Project Grant - Arbeitsstipendium, Hessische Kulturstiftung
2017 Award - Künstlerförderpreis der Stadt Friedrichshafen
2016 - 2018 Graduation Grant - Georg-Meistermann-Stipendium, Künstlerförderung des Cusanuswerks
2016 Residency - Nida Art Colony, Lithuania
2016 supported by Dr. Wolfgang-Zippel-Stiftung, Kassel
2014 Exhibition and Catalogue -Künstlerstipendium Willingshausen
2014 Residency - Kunsthof Dahrenstedt
2009 - 2014 Scholarship - Künstlerförderung des Cusanuswerks
2011 Residency - Skaftfell Art Center, Seydisfjördur, Iceland
2009 Project Grant - KiSS - Stipendium, financed by Siemens Art Program and Robert Bosch Stiftung
Selected Exhibitions
Pole Bending, with Anna Holzhauer, Basis e.V. Projektraum, Frankfurt/Main
KALTES BLUT UND HEISSES HERZ, Kunstraum K634, Flora e.V. Köln-Nippes (solo)
In Touch, editions of the mentees of Kunstmentorat NRW, Temporary Gallery, Cologne 2023
Alles Glück dieser Erde, Moltkerei Werkstatt e.V. Köln/Cologne, solo show
DIE KÖLNER BIENNALE featuring VIRUS DIARY, Alte Tankstelle Köln-Deutz
GOOD ViBES ONLY, with Caroline Streck, Alte Tankstelle Deutz, Köln-Deutz
A _ WITH A VIEW, together with Nieves de la Fuente, Birte Spreuer, Agnes Müller & Clarissa Kassai, Caroline Streck, Köln-Rodenkirchen
What the traffic will bear, Sotheby´s Dependance, Frankfurt /Main (solo)
Den Himmel mit den Ohren riechen, with Nina Laaf, Kunsthaus L6, Freiburg
Drehen auf der Stelle, - = + Ideen für ein Umdenken, Kasseler Kunstverein
Kunst Quer Kopf, HBK Braunschweig/Brunswick University of Art
Great things start here, with Gin Bahc and Olga Holzschuh, Luis Leu Karlsruhe
Einundzwanzig. Ansichten eines Kunstvereins, Neuer Kunstverein Gießen
And what about your „Good morning, new world“, Museum of China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
andere situation, with Florian Slotawa, Mickaël Marchand, Frank Dölling and Johanna Jaeger, Museum für Photographie Braunschweig
strange attractor, Galerie 21, Hamburg (solo)
It´s more like an elevator, Werkschau Halle 12, Spinnerei Leipzig
20 Jahre Künstlerstipendium, Kunsthalle Willingshausen
Im Schatten des Kilimandscharo, Brüderkirche Kassel (solo)
Warte für Kunst, Kassel
P/ART 2015, Producers Art Fair, Hamburg
Kunstgenerator, Städtische Galerie im Park, Viersen
Das Meer hat viele Ufer, Kunsthalle Willingshausen (solo)
Feucht durchgewischt, Burg Dringenberg, Bad Driburg
AutoKino, Carpark Friedrichsplatz, Kassel (solo)
Rapid Rabbit, Künstlerhaus Frise, Hamburg
The final countdown, Month of Performance Art, Berlin
Performance on Demand, Kasseler Kunstverein
Auswahlausstellung, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg-Harburg
Und wie sieht dein Happy End aus, Altes Zollamt Kassel (solo)
Schnitt/Menge, Kunstverein Weiden
Plattform 5, Kunstverein Hannover
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